Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30


We had a pop quiz today over six of the vocabulary terms I gave them two weeks ago. I have been telling them since then that they need to know these terms very well and be able to use them in conversation. When we started class yesterday, and they still had trouble with them, even after I had been working with them with the kids, I decided they needed to realize that I was not joking around. They really do need to be able to use these words as they discuss genetics.

I am working on trying to start digital storyboards with the kids, if I can find the right programs for them to use. It would be such a great experience for them to get to use another computer tool. We will try to start it next week. Lucky for us, they have to do drawing and writing at first and then go to the computer. I will have a little more time to find the right program.

When we have our test over genetics, it will be part on paper and part on the Smart board. I can see them in action on the board. It is very cool! The kids love it, too! It may be Monday or Tuesday of next week. It just depends on how long it takes us to get all the review completed. Well, have a great weekend and I will talk to you again next week. Don't forget that we do our vocabulary on Friday's. The songs we have been working on are turning out so good!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17

Hello, All!!!

Sorry I have not been on here before now, but I have been out sick the past two days. I wish I could kick whatever has gotten a hold of me, but it has me good. This week we started the reproductive system and heredity. We are looking at the reproductive system as it relates to heredity and not a sex education class. This is what I have told my classes. They still giggle at some of the terms, but at least they know what we are going to study. Monday, we started on the terms we will be using, but didn't get to finish them. I had the sub show them videos on genes and heredity Tuesday and Wednesday. We are going to try and finish up the terms today, but some classes may not. If that happens, then we will finish them on Monday, November 21st. Remember that Friday's are our vocabulary day, so tomorrow they will be working on their vocabulary. This time around they are writing a song to sing using their words. I have to say that it has been very interesting to hear some of the tunes and lyrics they have come up with! They can be very creative, when they want to be.

Now, next week will be a short one because of Thanksgiving break. We will only be here Monday and Tuesday. We will finish up any of the vocabulary that was started this week on Monday, if we have to, and then I have some heredity activities for them. On Tuesday, we will do some more heredity activities. There is a Punnett square activity that is really fun. It shows all the possible combinations for offspring based on the parents genotype. You will have to ask your child what genotype means. It is one of our vocabulary words. :-) I do NOT send home any work over the break. I don't give homework anyway, but just to make sure you know that there will not be work during our break. Oh, the body systems project turned out very well for our first computer tool project. I am really looking forward to the next one and what the kids can do!!! I need to get the grades in the computer, though, so bear with me. I am playing catch up from being out those days. Well, have a great Thanksgiving and I will talk to you again after the break.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7

Hello! I am trying to get a post in early this week. It is going to be a short week this because of veteran's day on Friday. There is no school. We will not be doing any vocabulary this week, since we will not be here on Friday. The kids are working on their body system projects today and tomorrow and, hopefully, will be completed tomorrow. I would love to start presentations on Wednesday. It should only take Wednesday and Thursday to complete the presentations. I hope you get the time to have your child show you their class wiki. The pages are really exciting. Next Tuesday, November 16, we will be having a 2-hour delay for a teacher in-service. Have a great week and I will talk to you next week!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hello, to everyone!

I am so very sorry that I have not been on here in such a long time. I got sick the week after my last posting and missed a few days of school. I feel like I have been playing catch up ever since. We completed our cell models and I have to say that there were some very interesting models created! I really enjoy seeing what the students come up with. We are now working on the various body systems. I did my seating charts again, so the students are sitting with new people in here. Each group was given a body system to research and the directions for the project. Here is where the fun part starts! I introduced them to a new way of presenting their projects. It is a computer tool called a wiki. This is a place where they can put images and video clips on the page. It is a web address, so they can access it from home, when they are absent or want to work on it at home. Each class period has their own wiki. They are set up using the class period. For example, my first period class will use as their wiki address. The other classes just change the number of the class period. My fourth period will put fourth where first is, fifth will put fifth where first period, sixth will put sixth where first is, and seventh will put seventh where first is. It would be so nice for you to ask your child about the wiki and have him/her to show it to you! What better way to learn more about something than to teach it to someone else. The directions for their project are on the wiki, too, so they will always be close by. I hope to finish the wiki by Tuesday of next week and do the presentations on Wednesday and Thursday. Do not forget that we do not have school next Friday because of veterans day. Well, I hope all of you have a great weekend and I will talk to you next week!