Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, Oct. 23


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be having a test over metamorphic rocks this coming Friday, October 25.  The kids will need to study their notes, LAB #1, and bellwork over metamorphic rocks.  I have been telling them since Monday about the test, but wanted to make sure that I got this test put on the blog site.  The test will not be a very long one, since there were not very many notes we took on this rock.  Thanks for helping out with the test!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, Oct. 21


I am so sorry that I have not been on here sooner.  Time is just going by so quickly and we are so busy in class.  The kids are working very hard to learn the three types of rocks.  We are now working on metamorphic.  We had the test last week over sedimentary.  So far, grades are looking pretty good.  I will let them correct these, just like I did the igneous rocks test.  We are starting the project for metamorphic rocks today.  I hope 7th period will be able to, at least.  They are a little behind with all the other activities going on at school.  We have missed a couple of class periods and are just getting to view their voicethreads.  Oh, the voicethreads turned out really good!  I am so excited about them.  For the metamorphic project, we will be using the glogs again.  The project is a small one and the glog is very well suited for it.  I put the students into pairs and gave each pair a mineral that helps to create metamorphic rocks.  The pairs will find out how the mineral is formed, what we use the mineral for in our lives and get some pictures.  This just screams glog, since it is so much like a poster.  I am thinking that the test over metamorphic rocks will be on Friday.  The last part of rocks to cover is the rock cycle.  We need to see how these rocks are all connected.  Well, I guess that is all for right now.  Have a great week!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3

Wow!  How time flies by!  It has been a very busy week for us.  We finished up the notes on sedimentary rock and I even put them on this blog.  They are on the home page listed under link "Sedimentary".  Just click on the word and all the notes will come up.  You can print them off, if you need to.  We, also, completed Lab #5, so the students will have this sheet in their folders.  They can use this for extra credit at the end of the grading period AND we will be using it as part of their study notes, when we take the test over sedimentary rocks.

Today, we started our projects for sedimentary rocks.  Each group of students will be researching something related to that type of rock.  I have not decided what computer tool I want to use with this project.  I want the kids to focus on the research first and not the tool to put the research on.  I hope that makes sense.

We are going to be starting science fair projects, too.  These projects are voluntary.  I do NOT make then a requirement.  Students get extra credit if they complete a project and follow the scientific method.  I will be talking to the students to get a count of how many will be completing one and give them the packet.  I have additional information to give them, as well, when I find out how many are completing a project.

We are still doing bellwork at the beginning of each class, so you should be seeing bellwork in your child's folder.  I collect those at the end of the week.  Oh, don't forget that we need the entrance money for the Bob Evan's field trip next Friday.  The money is due by next Thursday. That is one week from today.  We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Well, I think that is about it for this week.  Talk to you next week!!!