Wow! We have been busy the past couple of days. I set up a class wiki for each of my six classes. They will be starting a new project on body systems next week and all their information will be put on the wiki. It is a totally new piece of technology for these students. They have never worked with anything like this before. I want them to have fun with it and learn something at the same time. I will give you the address for the wikis, so that you can see what your kids are doing. You will have to find out what class period your child is in, so that you know which address to type in the address bar. You will also need his/her login name and password to get into the wiki.
First period students go to
Third period students go to
Fourth period students go to
Fifth period students go to
Sixth period students go to
Seventh period students go to
I hope you enjoy the sites. The students should start putting information on the pages sometime next week, after they start researching. You can check out the directions by going to the page labeled "Body Systems" or "Beginning of Body Systems". It will be found in a box on the right side of the screen.
We now have terms 6-10 from the list. We will be having a quiz over those five on Tuesday. Well, I guess that brings us to the end of this posting. It has been a trip to get everyone on the wiki. I am so excited about using, though, and really hope it works!
I'll be watching for updates on wiki :)