Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be having a test over igneous rocks on Thursday.  I will be telling all the classes today so that they can study tonight and tomorrow night.  They will need to study all the notes that we have taken in class.  We will be reviewing tomorrow, too.  If they need to take any additional notes, then they will be allowed to do so.  The students need to know the vocabulary that goes along with igneous rocks.  We took down several words, so make sure that they go over those.  The vocabulary will be a matching.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  They have finished their blog assignment on volcanic necks.  It was really fun!  You should have your child show you what a blog looks like!!  Once the test is over, we will be starting sedimentary rocks.  Talk to you next week.  Have a good one!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19


What a busy week we have had!  This week has been an igneous rock week for us.  The students have been taking notes on igneous rocks, so you can look for those in their folders.  They got to see various examples of felsic and mafic, and fine-grained and coarse-grained igneous rock.  Students are now working on a small research project about an igneous rock formation called a volcanic neck.  There are three of them in the United States.  I put the students into pairs and assigned the pairs on the the three.  We are going to put the information onto a glog.  This is a new computer tool that I started using last year.  It lets the students create a poster and customize it to fit their purposes.  There are even animation graphics!  It is a very cool tool!!  We will have a test over igneous rocks one day next week.  Students will study from the notes that I have given them this week.  I will let you know what day the test will be next week.  It will not be Monday or Tuesday because we have to review for the test and present the volcanic neck glogs.  The students will be setting up accounts on the glog and will then be able to show you what they have been doing.  I think you will really like it!  Well, have a great weekend and I will talk to you again next week! Until then.....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, Sept. 12


What a busy past couple of weeks we have had!!!  We have not stopped or had a break!  I am sorry that I was not on here last week to talk to you.  The students have been learning about minerals and all the properties needed to identify a mineral.  They got to test several different minerals for hardness, streak, cleavage/fracture, magnetism, and even looked at calcite's double vision!  I had them listen to a song on you tube that a 6th grade teacher had written about minerals.  They were singing it in the halls and have asked to see it again.  The teacher is Mr. Parr and he has several songs out there that I let the kids listen too on our topics.  They are really cool!!!

The students are taking an open book quiz today over minerals.  The quiz has the headings from the book on it with the page numbers listed, too, so they can follow in the book exactly where they need to go to find the answers.  I went over it with them to show them how it works.  Sometimes, I will have an open book quiz like this.  Other times, the students will use the notes we take in class to study from.  If they don't get finished with the quiz today, then they can finish it up tomorrow.  I was going to pick up where we left off yesterday, with igneous rocks, but I think we will show a video and look at some clips on United Streaming and Brain Pop.  To me, that sounds like a good idea for a Friday.  We can hit things again on Monday.  Well, I think that gets us all caught up with our science class.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!  Talk to you next week!!!