Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week of Dec. 16

Hello and Merry Christmas!!!

I cannot believe that the first semester is almost over!  We will have been in school for 18 weeks come this Friday!!!  Our Christmas break will last two weeks, so students will not come back to school until January 6, 2014!  Enjoy the time off!!!

I have extended the time to finish the atoms test.   Some students did not get finished, so many will be working on it today and maybe even tomorrow.  We are having some technical issues with the laptops in my room, so not everyone can be on the computer working.  I will be giving out the list of labs that students can turn in for extra credit today, too.  They will be due on Thursday!  I did not get this list to my 1st period class, so they will get it tomorrow and will have till Friday to turn it in.

We will be having a pizza party on Friday.  I will bring in chips and Pepsi and Mountain Dew.  If your child wants something else, then they are more than welcome to bring it in to the party.  We are going to make Friday a party day with our homerooms.  There will be movies and games, if my Wii will hook up to my Smart board! hee!  Well, I think that is all for now.  If I think of anything else, I will put another post on here.  Have a great Christmas!!!  See you next year!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Test date correction!!!

I have had to change the date for the test this week. I will not be here on Thursday, so I need to move the date of the test on atoms to Friday.  This will give students an extra day to study.  I will have my sub reviewing the terms with them, too.  I hope this does not cause too much trouble with anyone.

We are working with various stations this week that allow students to practice mass, volume, and density.  They are also working with their terms in these stations, so they are getting some help for their test.  It will be an interesting Thursday, since the students will be going to Secret Santa, too.  I have sent home a letter today with your child from the PTO telling about Secret Santa.  The 6th grade will be going during their science class.  Have a great week!  One more till Christmas break!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, Dec. 6

Wow!!!  How time flies when you are having fun!  I cannot believe how this school year is flying by!!!  We have been working on a couple of different things the past couple of weeks.  We finished up the soil activity and got to use a new computer tool - the wiki!  The kids liked it, but didn't like getting up in front of the class to talk.  They would rather record their information and have me play it for the class.  Speaking in front of a group of people is a skill that is hard to get comfortable with and some do better at it and will end up feeling more relaxed at it then others.  Some are just born public speakers and that is okay.  I just want the kids to have a little experience talking in front of a group.  I tried to give them a few tricks of the trade to help them - like looking at the tops of peoples' heads or the tops of their ears, walk around the room, and the popular dramatic pause!  This helps you to gather your thoughts and the audience to think about what you are saying.  The kids laughed when I told them this.

We are working on atoms right now.  They will be going through seven stations next week and then we will be ready for the test.  This test will be different because it will be on the computer.  I will have them create a glog poster with the required information on it.  It is really cool and a creative way to assess what the kids know.  Right now, I am planning on the test taking place on Thursday.  This will give us time to get all the stations completed and review for the test.  Well, have a great weekend.  Christmas is almost here and we will get a nice break.  Talk to you next week!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 8

Wow!  We have been very busy the past few weeks!  Students have been learning about metamorphic rocks and the rock cycle.  They even wrote a song about it!  We have started soil this week.  Yesterday, they worked on a lab activity on soil types.  I gathered three types and had them look at the characteristics, then identify them.  We will finish that identification today.  It will be our LAB #4.  This lab will be worth more extra credit at the end of the grading period, since it is so big.

Today is our veteran's assembly.  I will not get to see my last two periods, so we will have to complete their activity on Monday.  It will not be a problem, though.  I gave the students copies of information on soil that I got off the internet.  This way, they would not have to write all those notes off the board.  There is nothing in our textbooks on soil.  These papers should be in their folders.  They need to keep these so use for reference and to study for their test.  We will finish going over those on Monday, too.  I have a really exciting project for students to complete on soil.  It will be a small group project.  They will start it next week.  Once I give them all the details, I will put it on here for you.  I want it to be a surprise!!!  Well, I guess that is about it for now.  Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, Oct. 23


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be having a test over metamorphic rocks this coming Friday, October 25.  The kids will need to study their notes, LAB #1, and bellwork over metamorphic rocks.  I have been telling them since Monday about the test, but wanted to make sure that I got this test put on the blog site.  The test will not be a very long one, since there were not very many notes we took on this rock.  Thanks for helping out with the test!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, Oct. 21


I am so sorry that I have not been on here sooner.  Time is just going by so quickly and we are so busy in class.  The kids are working very hard to learn the three types of rocks.  We are now working on metamorphic.  We had the test last week over sedimentary.  So far, grades are looking pretty good.  I will let them correct these, just like I did the igneous rocks test.  We are starting the project for metamorphic rocks today.  I hope 7th period will be able to, at least.  They are a little behind with all the other activities going on at school.  We have missed a couple of class periods and are just getting to view their voicethreads.  Oh, the voicethreads turned out really good!  I am so excited about them.  For the metamorphic project, we will be using the glogs again.  The project is a small one and the glog is very well suited for it.  I put the students into pairs and gave each pair a mineral that helps to create metamorphic rocks.  The pairs will find out how the mineral is formed, what we use the mineral for in our lives and get some pictures.  This just screams glog, since it is so much like a poster.  I am thinking that the test over metamorphic rocks will be on Friday.  The last part of rocks to cover is the rock cycle.  We need to see how these rocks are all connected.  Well, I guess that is all for right now.  Have a great week!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3

Wow!  How time flies by!  It has been a very busy week for us.  We finished up the notes on sedimentary rock and I even put them on this blog.  They are on the home page listed under link "Sedimentary".  Just click on the word and all the notes will come up.  You can print them off, if you need to.  We, also, completed Lab #5, so the students will have this sheet in their folders.  They can use this for extra credit at the end of the grading period AND we will be using it as part of their study notes, when we take the test over sedimentary rocks.

Today, we started our projects for sedimentary rocks.  Each group of students will be researching something related to that type of rock.  I have not decided what computer tool I want to use with this project.  I want the kids to focus on the research first and not the tool to put the research on.  I hope that makes sense.

We are going to be starting science fair projects, too.  These projects are voluntary.  I do NOT make then a requirement.  Students get extra credit if they complete a project and follow the scientific method.  I will be talking to the students to get a count of how many will be completing one and give them the packet.  I have additional information to give them, as well, when I find out how many are completing a project.

We are still doing bellwork at the beginning of each class, so you should be seeing bellwork in your child's folder.  I collect those at the end of the week.  Oh, don't forget that we need the entrance money for the Bob Evan's field trip next Friday.  The money is due by next Thursday. That is one week from today.  We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Well, I think that is about it for this week.  Talk to you next week!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be having a test over igneous rocks on Thursday.  I will be telling all the classes today so that they can study tonight and tomorrow night.  They will need to study all the notes that we have taken in class.  We will be reviewing tomorrow, too.  If they need to take any additional notes, then they will be allowed to do so.  The students need to know the vocabulary that goes along with igneous rocks.  We took down several words, so make sure that they go over those.  The vocabulary will be a matching.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  They have finished their blog assignment on volcanic necks.  It was really fun!  You should have your child show you what a blog looks like!!  Once the test is over, we will be starting sedimentary rocks.  Talk to you next week.  Have a good one!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19


What a busy week we have had!  This week has been an igneous rock week for us.  The students have been taking notes on igneous rocks, so you can look for those in their folders.  They got to see various examples of felsic and mafic, and fine-grained and coarse-grained igneous rock.  Students are now working on a small research project about an igneous rock formation called a volcanic neck.  There are three of them in the United States.  I put the students into pairs and assigned the pairs on the the three.  We are going to put the information onto a glog.  This is a new computer tool that I started using last year.  It lets the students create a poster and customize it to fit their purposes.  There are even animation graphics!  It is a very cool tool!!  We will have a test over igneous rocks one day next week.  Students will study from the notes that I have given them this week.  I will let you know what day the test will be next week.  It will not be Monday or Tuesday because we have to review for the test and present the volcanic neck glogs.  The students will be setting up accounts on the glog and will then be able to show you what they have been doing.  I think you will really like it!  Well, have a great weekend and I will talk to you again next week! Until then.....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, Sept. 12


What a busy past couple of weeks we have had!!!  We have not stopped or had a break!  I am sorry that I was not on here last week to talk to you.  The students have been learning about minerals and all the properties needed to identify a mineral.  They got to test several different minerals for hardness, streak, cleavage/fracture, magnetism, and even looked at calcite's double vision!  I had them listen to a song on you tube that a 6th grade teacher had written about minerals.  They were singing it in the halls and have asked to see it again.  The teacher is Mr. Parr and he has several songs out there that I let the kids listen too on our topics.  They are really cool!!!

The students are taking an open book quiz today over minerals.  The quiz has the headings from the book on it with the page numbers listed, too, so they can follow in the book exactly where they need to go to find the answers.  I went over it with them to show them how it works.  Sometimes, I will have an open book quiz like this.  Other times, the students will use the notes we take in class to study from.  If they don't get finished with the quiz today, then they can finish it up tomorrow.  I was going to pick up where we left off yesterday, with igneous rocks, but I think we will show a video and look at some clips on United Streaming and Brain Pop.  To me, that sounds like a good idea for a Friday.  We can hit things again on Monday.  Well, I think that gets us all caught up with our science class.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!  Talk to you next week!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome! 2013-2014

Hello to everyone!!!

It is hard to believe that summer is over and a new school year has begun!  I am so excited to have your children in my class.  We have so many new subjects to cover and tools to use!  This blog is one way that you can get in touch with me.  I use this to let parents and students know what is going on in class.  I post assignments, projects, and tests on here.  I, also, use this blog to simply talk about my classes.  They can be so funny and say the cutest things.  I look forward to talking with you, too.  Please feel free to contact me with any question, whenever you need.  It is going to be a great year!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Good Monday morning to you all!

I can't believe that school is almost over!  This is going to be a week of review and final exams.  We are finishing up the bank of questions for our final exam today.  There may be a few left we have to go over tomorrow, but they can still study what they have tonight.  My final exam will be Thursday and Friday of this week.  There are 58 questions that will be taken from the bank of questions that they are studying from and this is why I am giving them two days to take the test.  I want to make sure they have plenty of time to take the test in a relaxed atmosphere.  Next week, on Wednesday, we are taking a field trip to Shawnee Forest.  The last day of school will be a day for the award assembly and games.  The rest of the week I will spend with the kids on Whyville.  It is a virtual world where they can live in the town of Whyville and interact with the characters there.  The town is set up so that the students can only interact with the Whyville characters and my students.  It is really fun and safe.  I had to be verified that I was a teacher here before I could set up an account.  This will be a good way to end the year.  Well, it has been so much fun being a part of your child's life this year.  If you need anything, please let me know!  Have a great and safe summer!!  I look forward to seeing your child this fall, when he/she is in 7th grade!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3


Wow, what a week it has been!!!  I was out four days last week sick.  Man, I would not wish that on anyone!!!  This week was spent getting caught up and finishing what was started with my sub last week.  We finally got the test over mitosis taken on Wednesday.  It was supposed to be Friday, but I didn't want to the kids to take it with me not here to review with them and remind them of what to study.  I was able to tell them exactly what to study and give them a couple of days to go over it before the test by giving it on Wednesday.

We have started our last project for the year this week.  It is over microbes and using them for either an alternative energy source or as an environmental clean-up agent.  I let each group decide which one they wanted to do.  These projects should be completed by Tuesday of next week, so that we can present them on Wednesday.  I will not be here on Tuesday because I have a science meeting downtown with other area science teachers.  Once this project is finished, we will be working on reviewing for the final exam.  This test will be on Thursday, May 16.  I will give the kids a test bank of questions to study from and the final test will come from that bank.  We will go over all the correct answers to the bank of questions.  They will have a few days to study for the test.

Once their final is over, we will getting on a virtual world site called Whyville.  It is so much fun!  Well, I think that gets us all caught up.  Have a great weekend!  Talk to you next week!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April, 16

Hello, to everyone!!!

Well, it has been a very busy last couple of weeks.  We have presented our body systems projects and taken our test over cells.  The kids will be able to correct the questions they missed on that test.  I am passing them out today - except for 1st period - so they can start corrections today.  They will have until Friday to get them returned to me.  They will need to put the corrections on their own paper with the question or statement and the correct answer, then staple it to their test.  It needs to be numbered just like the test, too.  I will go over all the directions with them in class, too.  This will give them half their points back.  First period will get theirs tomorrow.

This week, we are working on a new project - diverse body systems.  We are looking at the different body systems of other organisms and how they compare to ours.  There is four parts to this project, so it is not a very big one.  We will be finished with it tomorrow and have presentations on Wednesday.  We are finding some very interesting things!!!

Don't forget that the OAA is next week.  Monday will be the reading and Tuesday is the math.  Those are the only two subjects tested in the 6th grade.  Have a great week!  Talk to you later!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday, April 4


I hope everyone had a good break!  This week we have been working on the body systems project.  It has been going very well!!  We will be finished by tomorrow and be able to have the presentations on Monday.  Since the kids are using a computer tool to put their information on, you will have to get them to show you what they have put together with their group.  What I am seeing is pretty good!  There will be a test next week over cells.  It will be next Friday.  We will start reviewing for the test on Tuesday and review for two days.  I have a worksheet and Smart board lessons to go over with them.  Don't forget that they have their study guides from chapter 1 to study from, too!  On Thursday, we will begin a new project on different body types.  It will include various animals and plants.  We are doing this project to compare the different body types.  Testing for the OAA will begin the week of April 22.  The 6th grade only tests Math and Language Arts.  Well, I believe that this gets us all caught up on what we are doing.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!  Talk to you next week!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25


Well, it looks like we will be a day or two behind schedule on the body system projects, but that is okay.  We are working today on the last part to the study guide, so the kids will have two study guides in their folders.  One is over sections 2 and 3 and the other is over section 1.  I had a few things to go over with them about section 1 and then I gave them the study guide to start working on.  We will have to discuss it tomorrow before I can give them the criteria sheet for the projects.  It will be okay, though.  We will work all next week, after we return from break, on the projects to get them completed.  No problem.  I just wanted to get on here and let you know what was going on.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe spring break!!!  Talk to you next week!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 21

Hello, All!!!

I am so sorry that I have not been on here in such a long time.  Things have been a bit crazy around here.  My son asked me to come to Arizona to help him pack up his house, so he could move back to Ohio, and bring back one of his cars.  He texted me on a Monday during lunch and my husband and I left that afternoon, when I got home from school.  We drove all the way through - 30 hours - and stayed the rest of the week.  It has taken be so long to get my sleep caught back up!  The end of the grading period was just around the corner and Terra Nova testing was the week I came back.  The kids seemed pretty confident about the science part of the Terra Nova, which is good to hear.  It is so hard to believe that we are in the last grading period of the year!!!!  Spring break is upon us, too!!!  Conferences are this evening and next Tuesday from 4-7 in the evening.  We have been working on cells - plant, animal, and unicellular.  Next week, the kids are going to be working on the body systems project.  Each group will be given a body system and they have to find certain criteria for the project.  I will be giving them a sheet on this on Monday and going over it with them.  It will take about a week to complete.  I am going to try to attach the directions to this blog site.  It will be at the top of the home page under the heading "Body", in case you want a copy, too.  Oh, I am still working on their cell models, so be looking for those grades in the computer soon.  They will be the first grade of the last nine weeks.  I was very happy with those models!!!  I have some really cool ones with some very creative organelles!!!!  It is so interesting for me to see what the kids can come up with each year.  Well, I think that is about it for now.  I will probably be back on here the week we come back from spring break.  Have a great break and I will talk to you soon!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 14

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!!!

It has been another wild and crazy week.  We have started our next lab activity - LAB #4.  This one is one travel and we will be creating a speed vs. time graph.  Last week, we had a lab activity that allowed us to create a position vs. time graph.  These are the two graphs that the state wants us to use to describe the motion of an object.  This LAB #4 is fun because we are researching travel destinations.  The kids are in pairs and get to pick their own starting point and ending point.  They will be checking out driving, flying, and either trains or buses.  It has been pretty fun, so far.  Based on the graphs and charts, with our information in it, we will decide which mode of travel is the fastest.  There are some other factors to consider, which we have discussed already, and had lots of fun with!!!  With the completion of this lab, the kids will have 20 extra credit points in their folders to put toward their grade at the end of the grading period.

Interims are due out tomorrow, but with the dance in the afternoon, I will most likely get mine out next Wednesday.  Don't forget that there is not school on Monday and the kids do not go on Tuesday because of the Teacher in-service day.  Enjoy their four days off!!!

Well, I hope you have a great weekend!  Remember, you can email me or call me, if you ever have any questions about what we are doing.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013

Whew!  What a week we have had!  We finally got to show the voice threads.  It took a few days, but we got them all in.  Overall, they were good.  I gave the kids a classroom blog assignment and asked them which of the four computer tools we have used this year they liked the best and why.  I am curious to see what they have to say.  We have started our last physical science topic and it is on motion.  For this, we will be using graphs to look at position and speed of objects.  This is basically going to be an extension of last year's math skills on graphs.  Students will be finding how fast an object is moving - its motion, and then looking at its speed.  There are two different graphs we will use for this.  They are the position vs. time graph and the speed vs. time graph.

I have two lab activities the students will complete to help them use these graphs.  One lab is completed here in the room using two different balls, a meterstick and a stopwatch.  The next lab will be one using internet sources.  They will be researching travel times between a starting point and a destination.  It looks to be really fun.  Well, that is all we have been doing for this week.  We will be working on these two labs into next week.  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013


It has been a while since I talked to you and I apologize for that, but we have been very busy here at school. The kids started a new project that was designed by the state, so it is very different from what they are used to doing.  I have been right there with them and helping them get through it, since it is so new.  They are researching upset tummy remedies to find a chewable tablet and liquid with the same active ingredients, but different brands.  They want to find out which one will get rid of the upset tummy the fastest and why, using information found on the internet and what we learned in class about solids and liquids.  It has been a very interesting project for all of us and we have actually enjoyed it.  The hardest part has been to find out why.  When we discussed the solid vs. liquid part of why, they could figure that one out, but there is not information on that part on the internet.  We did find out that sugar plays a role in medicines and how the help you get better.  It was very exciting.  We will be finishing up with these tomorrow and playing them in front of the class on Friday.  I am waiting for our technology director to email directions on how they can email their voice threads to me.  There were some steps to follow that I was unclear on how to do, so he is going to figure it out for me.  These voice threads can be accessed from the internet, so you will have to let your child show it to you!!!  Next week, we will be working on speed, time and position.  It will be involving graphs and looking at them to decide on the speed of an object.  The students will get velocity and acceleration in high school.  I will be back on here next week to tell you what is going on with speed.  Have a great rest of your week and weekend!!!  Remember, if you need anything, please email me or call me.  My available time is 8:45 to 9:25.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, Jan. 14


Well, it is the start of the 3rd grading period!  I still cannot believe that we have been through half the year already.  We are still working with solids, liquids, gases and plasma in class.  There will be a quiz on Wednesday over the material they have been given.  I gave them three handouts they are to use to study from.  Today, I gave them song lyrics that went with the lesson, so they can even use those to study from!  They have a few vocabulary terms, as well.  After they quiz, we will be starting a new project.  It will be a different type of project.  For this project, the kids will be given a situation and a question they have to answer.  They will be using the internet to find a solution to that question.  The good part about this project is that there is not just one right answer.  We will be using voice thread for this project.  It is one we have not used yet this year.  The students will find images and then record their information.  It will be played back to the class, so they will not have to be in front of the class for presentations.  I hope they like this tool.  Have a great week and if you have any questions, please email me or give me a call.  Talk to you next week!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013

Hello, and Happy New Year to everyone!

What a week we have had!  I was sick last week and was not able to come back to school when everyone else did.  We spent the first part of the week getting our folders cleaned out and LABS ready to turn in for extra credit.  I told the students they could turn the LABS in either Wednesday or Thursday, so they would have plenty of time to get them all together.  We had six of them this grading period.  I told them to keep the vocabulary we have been working on all year in their folders, the new vocabulary on matter should stay in their folders, the syllabus (if they still have it) should also be in there, any sheet with web addresses on it and that is about it.  They need to take all the other papers out and put them somewhere in their rooms and not throw them away until the last day of school.  We now have added to their folders two sheets they will use as notes on matter, since we do not have a book they can take home and LAB #1 for the new grading period.  These are the materials they will use to study from when it comes test time.  I will be giving them a short quiz over matter next week and then they will be working on a project over matter.  I will give you more information on the project next week.  Well, that is the end of this week's blog.  Have a great weekend and I will talk to you next week!