Sunday, January 23, 2011

Review for 2nd Quarterly Assessment

Hello All!

Here are the things we went over in class to review for the 2nd quarterly assessment test. Since the weather kept us out of school on Friday, the test will be tomorrow (Monday). The kids were told this on Thursday. Here are the items we reviewed:

Plant/Animal cells: plant cells have a cell wall, larger vacuole, and chloroplasts.

Body systems: the cells are organized in this manner....cell->tissue->organ->organ systems

Biotic - living parts
Abiotic - nonliving parts

Food Chains - Producer --> Primary Consumer --> Secondary Consumer --> Decomposer
An example is plant --> mouse --> snake --> hawk (the state of Ohio loves this one even though there is no decomposer in it).
Next, we drew an energy pyramid and put these in it. The plant is on the bottom, then mouse, then snake and hawk is at the top. Sorry I can't put the image on here.

Scientific method - hypothesis is an educated guess about the answer to your question.
conclusion is the answer to your question and includes whether your hypothesis is right or wrong. You are allowed to be wrong.

If you want to check someone's project for accuracy and see if they are right, then all you need to do is do that project for yourself, following the exact same procedure that the person followed. If you really want to be sure, then have several people complete the project and see if all of you get the same results.

I hope this helps you study for the assessment. There will not be many questions on it, since it only covers what we looked at this quarter. Good luck!

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